Exhibitor Checklist  

Note Dates & Deadlines, Found in the Exhibitor Console

Consider creating calendar appointments to ensure your investments are maximized and your move-in goes smoothly.  

  • Discount deadlines 

  • Booth Approval Form deadline 

  • Registration deadline 


First Time Exhibitor Resources

Train Your Booth Staff 

Attendees have expectations when they come to your booth. Maximize success and ROI by having knowledgeable and engaged booth staff. 

  • Be memorable and enthusiastic! 

  • Remember to be professional 

  • Ensure that everyone at the booth is knowledgeable about your products.  

  • Remain friendly, smile, and keep a positive attitude 

  • Be courteous. Attendees are your "guests" 

  • Carry and use breath freshener or mints 

  • Avoid chewing gum, eating, and drinking while in the booth 

  • Keep the exhibit space neat & tidy! 

  • Don't sit in your booth or lean on the exhibit counters while working in the booth; you will look bored and uninterested in being there 

  • Don't spend time talking, texting or watching something on your cell phone, or talking with booth neighbors or your other booth staff; you will look unapproachable 

  • Make eye contact! Never ignore a prospect, even if you're with another prospect. Give them a nod and "just a minute" sign or include them in your conversation. 

  • Greet attendees by name. If you can't pronounce it, ask! 

Make a Trade Show Survival Kit

Place in your freight or carry on: 

  • Copies of orders and tracking numbers 

  • Staples, scissors and tape 

  • Pens and markers for labels 

  • First Aid kit 

  • Water 

Plan for Move-Out

This is one of the most overlooked parts of trade show management, as each facility, contractor, and show has unique move out procedures. Review Move-Out Information in your  Exhibitor Services Manual for tips and: 

  • Pre-arrange your outbound shipping with a carrier who is familiar with trade shows. 

  • Plan Ahead! Contact the venue's exposition services 6-8 weeks PRIOR to the event to discuss the move out process if you have any questions.

  • Label! After emptying crates, remove old labels and re-label all sides of your crates, cases and pallets with empty labels in the correct color and clearly marked with your booth number so they can be returned to you efficiently. 

  • Allow up to 6 hours for large shows for crates, pallets and empty boxes to be returned to booths. Loose cartons and fiber cases will be returned first so you can start packing. Wooden crates and skids will be next. Material return is random and holding empty crates during set-up will not get them returned to you any earlier. If you hold empties, the Floor Manager will warn you first and then have your empties removed.  

  • Plan your departing flights appropriately. 

More Tips 

  • Avoid ordering more decorating items than will comfortably fit in your contracted booth space and allow you to do business. You cannot use the aisle. 

  • Complete a separate order for each exhibit location if applicable (booth, meeting room, etc.). 

  • Have a company credit card available to pay balances due on show site and for deposits on rental equipment. 

  • While exhibiting and especially during set up and move out, be careful and watch for moving vehicles. The show site and surrounding areas are active work zones. Company agents and representatives are present at their own risk. 

Beware of Scams and Solicitors

Please be conscientious of potentially disingenuous offers of attendee and hotel lists for IECSC unless you receive them directly from your event account representative.